Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Heart News...

Jaedin went to her annual cardiology appointment at Children's Mercy in KC. We got great news...she doesn't have to go back for 3 years and we no longer have to take medicine before dentist appointments! We were all very hopeful that the holes had closed and we would be done but the doctor could still hear the squeaking noise. He even let me listen and I could actually hear it this time. While we were there, Jaedin got an ultrasound to check them out in more detail but the doctor assured as, as he does every time, she can do anything any other kid does. She has no restrictions. We even talked ear piercing...although mom is not ready for that yet!
Jaedin also got her back-to-school haircut (3 inches gone!) while we were in KC and we indulged in Chili's with Jenny! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Gald all turned out okay. I didn't realize she had an issue but just may have missed something. Summer has gone so quickly!! Looks like you've had a busy one. So fun to see the kidos and all your pictures. Enjoy the next few weeks.
